Monday, January 09, 2006

Jan. 3 About Topical Study

Ladies’ group requested that our teachings get a little more topical… it’s hard to do topical teaching in the Body.
Topical Teaching
• Xian life not a group of ideas that we sew together to try to create Christian Living.
o It’s not Pieces of knowledge that we collect.
o It’s a Person, Jesus, who called Himself “The Way” as one of His NAMES!
• This is GOOD NEWS to those who have come to know that we are utter failures in following rules and precepts.
• When we ask, “What does God want me to do about say, for example, Giving?”
o The answer to the question is often perplexing.
• It’s “Jesus”.
• The answer is not a method
• Not an idea
• Not a plan
• Not a program
• Not even and “answer” to the question.
• When we ask “what does God want me to do about Giving?” We get the answer, “JESUS”.

If you’re looking for a religion that answers questions like these with ANSWERS,
• you might consider the Pharisees.
o We aren’t part of a religion like that of the Old Covenant that wrote laws on stone and answered the practical daily questions with law and rules.


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