Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This week's Notes

good morning everybody!
It's 720 here at my house.
the day started with prayer and praise
I read john 15, 16, 17, and Psalm 69 this morning to start the day...
I had a cup of Earl Grey and a cup of Green tea
got Tim to the bus stop
got aaron, Pappa, and Lil D to school in time for breakfast
got Seth installed on Public Television
with a PBJ
and a cup of juice
and now i'm gonna get the notes to you from Sunday Night.
I'm so happy that you were there...
wasn't worshipping with song great!
I love to sing praises, no matter how bad i've been.

the scriptures say, "it is fitting for the upright to praise Him". Well, I'm not sure about how "upright" i may seem to myself, or the rest of the world, startign with Judy, but I know that Jesus' blood has wiped my sin out. It's out of the picture (Rom.5), and now I walk with God! And I know that Jesus has credited me with righteousness by faith, and if I abide in Him (John 15), that righteousness will bleed through me into this life in the world.

So I have hope, as I praise Him, that "He who began a good work in [me] will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."
and "when he is revealed [my] life will be revealed" (Col.3), (1 JOhn 3)

that's always my hope when I praise Him, never that I have behaved well, or that I somehow have lived up to something... always spiritual poverty and hope! Amen?

I'll end this intro post and the one above it will be about Sunday Night.


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