Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sunday Night January 15, 2006

Notes and Scriptures from Jan. 15

This is rough, guys, but bear with, and read the scripture references! Don't take my word for it...

• Matt. 25
o Urgency (Rick)
• Urgency speaks of consequences
 Activity
• If we “buy oil”/get ready/filled with Spirit
• We enter the wedding
 Inactivity
• Not ready/filled w/Spirit
• We are left out.
Self-Preservation (Matt 25, Matt 10, Acts 2:40)
• Legitimate motivation!
• Acts 2 “Save Yourselves from this perverse generation”
• Matthew 10 “be afraid”
o Gehenna/trash heap
• Who wants to be thrown on Gods trash heap?
 What will you find there?
• The demons?
• The damned?
o And it is burning
o Valley of Ben Hinnom was where they burned their sons and daughters in the fire. That’s what gehenna, the place, was in the day of Jesus.
• I said they burned bones there. Not true. But in the days of Josiah, it had become a place of infant sacrifice.
• King Josiah desecrated it…
• It was a symbol of demons
• I don’t want to be one of those who get lost to God in this way!!!

Luke 16 Recap:
• Parable set in terms we could understand
o Money
o Jesus got demanding and bossy about money
o And scary!
o Correlation between this world and “light”
• This world is darkness
• Not your home
• 1 John (only 5 chapters) don’t love the world
 it’s passing away
 lust of flesh
 lust of eyes
 pride of life
o Use money to get friends
• Make friends withthosse of high status!
 Not “nobodies”. Somebodies
 And who is greater than Jesus?
• Matt. 25: He is the least of these!
• James 1
o Rich are low
o Poor are high
• First are last, last are first
• Turn your mind around!
o Repent!
• Romans 12—reneweing of the mind. Not in conformity with the world!
• Our New Language (of the TURNED MIND) Praise
o One of the most important things of ourlife
o Eph 4 ane 5
• Thanksgiving is our new language
• Much better to be silly in praise than to be fitting in with the typical complaining and bitterness

Scripture lists are necessary
• Radical life change required
• Consider what you’re getting involved in!!!
• Is it a cult?
• Or is it the Gospel?

Mt. 25—seriously get your heads into it and get it into your head!
Renewing of the mind!
• Five categories:
o Hungry
o Thirsty
o Stranger
o Sick
o Prisoner
• Repeated severally!
• When it’s repeated, it’s important!
• Four times repeated! Hello!

2 Cor. 13:5
• classic prooftexting! Check it out!
• Paul has been calling them throughout the letter to return to faithfulness to the way
o Harsh even
• Smitty reads it.
• “How dare you question my faith?”
o we dare very well question you!
o It’s for your own good
o And for the Lord’s pleasure
• We’re bold to question each other!
• JP shares:
o Ephesian elders warned Acts 26
• The evil comes from within
• Watch out
• Be on guard

Making a Scripture list is so important

• In terms of people in this room
o So soaked in greed that we can’t even see it
o So out of touch with poverty
o That I think it’s like

Christmas Eve.
• We’re about to receive precious gifts from God our father
• The opening of the kingdom to our hearts is a convicting, painful thing, but we’re being HEALED!
o Nehemiah 8:10—
• They were utterly undone when they learned what they had been missing!
• They are weeping, but Ezra and Nehemiah were telling them to rejoice and celebrate
 It’s natural to weep when we realize we’ve been on the wrong path.
 It’s supernatural to rejoice when we are shown our wrong…
• Mt.5 Second Beattitude
 Blessed are those who mourn
• Happiness in grief!

Taking Spiritual Responsibility/Gaining Spiritual Maturity
• Nehemiah 8
o They take responsibility
• Ezra reads the law
• They realize their state
• They understand
 in mourning
 in action
• They take responsibility
 Jubilee practices
• major reform!
 Celebrating at table
 Shares for the poor
 Shares to the levites

o The American ChurchWe have Neglected
• Why?
 Doesn’t matter!
 It’s not our fault
 Or it is!
 But it’s not important why!
 It’s important to realize that it’s our RESPONSIBILITY!
• Grow up now! Maturity!
o If you’d grown up 100 year s from now…
o And the environment were poisonous…
o You would be RESPONSIBLE to fix it!
 Well the environment is poisonous with Greed. And you and I must fix it!
• We must take responsibility for it and fix it…
o It might be inherited from our forefathers
o It might be because of unfaithful leaders
o It might be totally just the water we swim in
o But it is OUR responsibility to reform it!
• To be reformed by Jesus/the Word
• To be transformed by the renewing of our minds!
 To let that Word work its way out in our lives

…This is as far as I was able to get transcription of the audio notes… do with it what youcan…


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