Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sunday Jan 22, 2006

These Notes are Rough, but I hope you can glean something from them, guys!

Recap on Blogs
• Jeremiah Blog
o www.jeremiahbiblestudy.blogspot.com
• Chase House Sundays Blog
o www.chasehousesundays.blogspot.com

On the Centrality of Scripture to your Formation
• Would disgust me to be quoted among you without the Scripture at the center!

We Hate to Be Corrected
• Painful in the past?
o Criticized?
• Criticism is an “-ism schism”…
• Sometimes it’s totally unjustified
• Mostly it’s unkind, ungentle

Col. 3:16
• “Let the Word of Christ in all its richness dwell in your hearts as you… teach and admonish one another in all spiritual wisdom…”
o You are the teachers in the Body
• On a Daily Basis
o This isn’t a message from Lew.
• This is and has been a message from Jesus Christ for 2000 years!

The Job of Teaching and Admonishing one another
• My Eldership
o All the good elders were already taken
o We’re the scum of the earth
o Last in parade
• Suck it up and get walking

• Role playing with Zach
o Don’t leave your bag/my bag where the cats piss…
• Correcting behavior that has negative consequences…

Our Aversion to Correction:
• Pathologically Averse to Correction
o We avoid it like a stink in a room
• Either get the stink out
• Or you get out
• When We pray together, a lot of times it’s affected by this
o We pray veiled criticisms and admonishments
o We add in our encouragements, too…
• Not to be confused with blessings
• Happens when we have a lot of unsaid admonishments…
o We want Sympathy, but not Correction

We’re not to tolerate in our midst:
• Sin
• Worry
• Evil
• Injustice
o We’re to Correct each other!
We want the preacher to do it to us all together
• Reducing the impact
• Saving the flesh
We’re to do this for one another!
• You know each other better than any preacher can!
For Example:
• Faithfulness at our jobs!
o Let people know that we are all to work as unto the Lord!
• Lew’s Job
o Not afraid to admit when I do well
There are a lot of places in daily life where you guys are slacking off.
• Some of that matters
• We’re hamstrung
o You don’t allow each other the room to correct…

Pr. 6:23—The commands of scripture (don’t worry)
• inappropriate to worry
o speak the truth in love (eph 4-5) to those who worry
• need to help each other out by speaking truth
• You’re not a worrier!
o You’re a beloved child of God
• 2 Cor 10—mighty weapons to control thoughts
• Rom 8 Same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead…
Prov. 6:23—the corrections of discipline are the way to life
• discipline as a noun is attractive to us
• the verb is abhorrent to us
o punishment
o to train
• fathers beat the sons
• Heb. 12 says that it’s a sign of our membership in the Family of God…
• Do you crave the corrections?
o If you have a thin skin to corrections, you won’t go far in the community of the cross
10:17—Heeds Discipline shows the way to life/ignores correction leads others astray
• Empowered dark side
o Indian proverb of two dogs inside the foolish young man…
o Don’t poison each other by your handling of discipline
• don’t want that on your head, do you?
o How thin-skinned you’ve been
o Mad at people who’ve told you the truth
• Become whole and right in your thinking
• For the sake or yourself
• For the sake of those who are affected by your example
o We aren’t walking in the Strength of the Truth of the DGospel,
• We’re surrounded by poor examples
• We’re intolerant of truth in love correction
My job is an Equipper
• I don’t DO this ministry
• I don’t change a neighborhood
• I don’t change my neighbor
• I love you and I equip you!
o Fo ryou to love your neighbor

Prov. 12:1
• Loves Discipline/Loves Knowledge
• Hates correction/is a fool
• Foolishness is criminal in nature
o Lawbreaking
Deep folly ground in
• American independence is a spiritually criminal state…
• In Xist, of course I can’t make it
o Jesus not a crutch, he’s a stretcher
• If you don’t love correction…
• I love it.
• It helps me
Pr. 13: 18 Heed correction
• You have to be wrong!
• Exposed
• Confessional
• Honest acceptance
• Admission of guilt/folly/fault
• We must crave it
o I didn’t join this to be covered
o I started this to be healed
No wonder Bible study is boring
• You can’t use it!
o First sign of correction is “harrumph!”
• You know what’s wrong with you?
• Look honey, don’t worry!
 I don’t want to pray! Angry response…
o Just confess it and agree with correction and don’t fall into shame!
o Be patient with your self!
o Be gentle with others!!!
• You’ll all become mature and strong!

Don’t hold back just because you’re disqualified.
• The Message is true when it lines up with Scripture
o Been being spoken since before the foundation of the earth!
o Confession of sin can be followed by gentle correction!
• This never fleshes out in a haughty, condemning way!
• Fruit of Spirit
• 1 Cor. 13 love
• Two kinds of Judging
o Condemnation
• Bigotry
• exclusion
o Discernment

o Matthew 7
o Luke 6
o Discernment vs. Condemnation
• Your worrying is killing you and I can’t just sit by and watch it happen
• Take care of each other!
o I would want you all to help me as much as you possibly could…
Why are we all so Thin-Skinned?
• It doesn’t matter!
• We must trust and change!
• Accept yourself, by Grace.
• Receive Love from God (believe it)
• Listen to the Truth
o Recognise it by knowing the scriptures!

End of transcription. More on audio…

Ephesians 5:21 Submission to one another: Medicine for this Sickness!
• Recognizing Christ when he’s speaking through another Christian
• Looking past the vessel to the contents
• Honoring the Word when it comes from someone whose flaws you know…
When you get as close as we all are
• You need to be able to admonish each other
• Pray with each other
• Challenge each other
• Correct each other
We are to be SAFE
• Without a love for correction,
o We’ll never be safe for one another…
• Blog page on it
• Search page from Ephesians on
o This is gonna help you come to love correction.
• Submit
• One another
• Reverence
• Christ
o Do you recognize Him in each other?
o Those of us who are walking in this stuff
o Living in this life
o In whom this life is living
o When this is in you, Christ is in you (not bread and wine, the holy Spirit).
• Did you ever just know that someone is/is not a Christian by the Holy Spirit
 Then you listen to what they’re saying
How could anyone prophesy in a group like ours?
• It’s not safe to correct us!
• We don’t WANT it!
• The Bible says we are to LOVE IT!
o Thanks to all who help every Sunday!
• But until we’re submitted to one another out of reverence for Christ, you’ll be hatin on the prophets.
We Got bent by the World
• Christ is refashioning us like a bent sword
• Restoring us to sharpness, usefulness, beauty, dangerousness
o Hammer
o Fire
o Anvil
o Striking
• Discipline
• Correction
• Admonishment
 Heb. 12
• Don’t sweat “sons”! Men are the Bride of Christ!
This is the beginning of a conversation.
• I’m ready for you to correct me!
Rule of St. Benedict
• Good example of how Xians fleshed out this submission…
• Check it out on the Web.

So Don’t we have growing to do?
• Sign He’s training us
• Some of us have never known a good, disciplining father
o You do, now that you know Xist!
Mercy and Peace…
Until we love correction:
• We aren’t safe


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