Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Last Sunday

You know, last sunday (today is Tuesday) we came together and just prayed a lot over each other... We sang from our Songbooks, requesting songs... Lew Shared a "nother" song (not new, just unknown of us)--Sweetly Broken, by Jeremy Riddle...

How do I tell you what it's like? we eat... together... just hanging out...

before that, we all cleaned the house... i was so tired from preaching at Erwin's church... we all started singing, and everyone and i listened to that song by Todd Agnew "My Jesus", and we all talked about the new humility that is being brought to the church nowadays...

then we waited..
praying over each other
anointing with oil...
prophetic sharing...
words of wisdom...

then we broke to eat the rest of the food...


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